Week 67 of mental_floss blogs

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Well, this was an interesting week. The post on Jamie Livingston's Polaroid "Photo of the Day" project has gone nuts -- picked up on 270+ blogs, 8,000+ Diggs, 114 comments, and it's still rolling. I'm proud of the post, and grateful to be the one to bring Livingston's work to general web awareness. Go read it, but make sure you have a hanky handy.


Hi you are good! I’m a poet too, though not as good as you. You have such a great potential. Keep it up

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Contacting Chris Higgins

I'm a writer based in Portland, Oregon. I mostly write for Mental Floss magazine (and their website), though I just had a story on This American Life, and had a cover story a few weeks back in The Portland Mercury. You can follow me on Twitter for occasional jokes and complaints about the weather.

I'm also an iPhone developer. Working with Night & Day Studios, I helped create Peekaboo Barn, Peekaboo Wild, Big Fat Lies, Life in Short, Cocktail Compass, Nick Jr.'s A-Z With Moose and Zee, Quibble, Savage Love, and a bunch of other apps.

Need to contact me? Click the following link, follow the instructions, and you'll have my email address: get Chris's email address.

Note: I'm not the (apparently famous) hockey player with the same name! You'll have to find his homepage in order to contact him.