
A selection of books I’ve either written, or that include my nonfiction. Breakfast on Mars has several short-form pieces, and The Magazine: The Book has several long-form pieces. Someday I’ll get around to collecting it all somewhere else, but it could be a while.

Note: if you want a signed copy, I have stock of all of these, generally in both hardcover and paperback. Contact me for details.

Block Game

Subtitled “A Visual History of the Classic Tetris World Championship,” this is a photo book highlighting the world of competitive Tetris from 2012-2021.

This is a limited edition of 50; each copy is signed and numbered by the author.

Buy: Best of Five Shop

Cover of Breakfast on Mars (paperback edition). It's a cartoon robot, blasting lasers from its eyes, holding a partially-eaten donut in one clay. Text reads: Essays like you've never seen before—Funny! Smart! Inspiring! And best of all, written by your favorite authors!

Breakfast on Mars

A book of essays aimed at middle school readers. I wrote the title essay, plus a rebuttal (point/counterpoint!), there is a bunch of other good stuff in here.

Buy: Amazon (Paid Affiliate Link) | IndieBound

Book cover for The Blogger Abides. Shows a moping child with glasses. Text reads: A practical guide to writing well and not starving.

The Blogger Abides

A book about working as a blogger, though I later realized it was more about being an independent creative professional. Kindle format only, a little out of date.

Buy: Amazon (Paid Affiliate Link)

Cover for The Magazine: The Book. It shows a fantasy cartoon with nymphs or fairies resting on flowers, while mean in hardhats and work suits walk by. Text reads: Stories about gadgets, urban farms, cosplay, real play, letterpress, and more.

The Magazine: The Book

Several of my nonfiction profiles/longform pieces are published here. This one is getting hard to find. I may have a few copies kicking around if you can’t find it elsewhere.

Buy: IndieBound | Amazon (Paid Affiliate Link) | Contact Me

Cover for The Magazine: The Book. It shows a ladybug taking flight from a stalk of grass, with fancy lettering reading: The Magazine. Below that, The Complete Archives.

The Magazine: The Complete Archives

This is digital only, but contains a ton of profiles I wrote for The Magazine way back when. I think I have seven or eight stories in here that have not been collected elsewhere.

Buy: Amazon (Paid Affiliate Link) | Direct from Glenn Fleishman (Editor)

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